
PTC-SC holds regular programs which serve as a forum for the discussion of current issues in personnel and testing, as well as avenues of professional development. Guest speakers are invited to discuss specific topics relevant to the field of personnel selection and training. The programs are held at various Southern California locations and are generally combined with a luncheon.


DATE: July 23, 2024

TIME: 11:30 AM – 1:00 PM

LOCATION: Bassett High School (Room 307) 755 Ardilla Ave. Bassett, CA 91746

TOPIC: AI REVOLUTION IN HR: Mastering Human Resources with Artificial Intelligence

COST: $30 for non-members, Free for current members

CONTACT: To register, please click here. Registration will close on July 18, 2024.

Membership Status

If you would like to save time at check-in, consider the option of paying in advance through PayPal. Request an invoice at prior to Monday before the luncheon. We look forward to seeing you all there!

Previous Luncheon Presentations